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Year in Review documents NASA’s significant progress and milestones achieved in 2024

Published: 3/4/2025

NASA is pleased to announce the release of its 2024 Year in Review, highlighting key milestones and progress with the environmental cleanup of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL). This review details advancements made in 2024 in the areas of groundwater remediation, soil cleanup planning, demolition, and cultural resources management.

NASA remains committed to building on this progress in 2025 as we work toward a cleanup at SSFL that protects public health and the environment, incorporates the best available science and technology, and preserves the site’s natural and Native American cultural resources for future generations.

Notable achievements from 2024 include:

  • Groundwater Cleanup Progress – Completion of the Phase 1 Groundwater Corrective Measures Study and ongoing pilot programs testing innovative remediation technologies.
  • Soil Cleanup Advancements – Collaboration with regulatory agencies to address soil contamination and prepare for future excavation efforts.
  • Ongoing Demolition – Completion of Phase 4 demolition in the Coca Test Area and preservation of artifacts for future public display at institutions like the Smithsonian.
  • Cultural Resource Stewardship – Continued engagement with Native American communities and research on historic rock art pigments.

NASA completes Phase 7 demolition in the Coca Test Area; Historical artifacts transferred to museums

Published: 12/20/2024

NASA has completed demolition of Coca Test Stand 1 at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL), marking the conclusion of Phase 7 of NASA’s demolition program and bringing the agency closer to a final, comprehensive cleanup of the federally owned portion of the SSFL site. As a testament to the important role the Coca Test Stands played in our nation’s space flight program, several historical artifacts from the Coca Test Stands have been acquired by the California Science Center in Los Angeles and the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., for potential future display. The Coca Test Stands supported historic space exploration programs such as the 1960s Apollo Program that sent astronauts to the Moon, as well as the Space Shuttle Program in the 1980s. Previous demolition activities in the Bravo Test Area resulted in the transfer of the flare stacks from the Bravo Test Stands to the Air Force Flight Test Museum at Edwards Air Force Base.

For a virtual interactive tour of all the former Test Areas at SSFL, visit National Park Service SSFL Virtual Tour External site icon.

View a time-lapse video showing the demolition of Coca Test Stand 1 below.

Coca Test Stand 1 Demolition Time-lapse

The period of the time-lapse is from February 22 to September 6, 2024. The demolition started with the deployment of a 300-ton crane to the Coca 1 Test Stand. The demolition team began at the top of the more-than-200-foot structure and dismantled it section by section. The crane lifted the sections from the top of the test stand and moved them onto the ground. The metal flame bucket at the bottom was cut into sections using a torch, and the pieces were removed section by section. Throughout the demolition process, all demolition waste was characterized and sent to licensed disposal facilities, and the steel was recycled as much as possible.

Fall 2024 FieldNOTE Newsletter

Published: 10/9/2024

NASA has published its latest edition of the FieldNOTE Newsletter for NASA’s cleanup activities at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. The Fall 2024 FieldNOTE provides an update on NASA’s Groundwater cleanup documents, an update on the progress with Phase 7 demolition, and provides information about a soil backfill study taking place this fall.

Spring 2024 FieldNOTE is now available

Published: 4/29/2024

The Spring 2024 FieldNOTE provides an update on the Groundwater U workshop series and onsite tour, introduces NASA’s new Groundwater Project Manager, provides an overview of NASA’s groundwater cleanup process and progress, and includes an update on demolition of the Coca Test Stands, with photos.

Year in Review highlights NASA’s progress at SSFL during 2023

Published: 1/19/2024

Throughout 2023, NASA continued to make headway toward cleanup of its portion of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL). The 2023 Year in Review describes activities in the areas of groundwater and soil cleanup, demolition, and cultural resources management. NASA looks forward to a new year of significant progress as we move closer toward our goal of achieving a cleanup that is protective of the community and the natural environment.

Upcoming Public Listening Session for the upcoming SSFL Groundwater University workshop series

Published: 1/18/2024

The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), in coordination with NASA, Boeing, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), has invited the public to participate in an online listening session to prepare for the upcoming Groundwater U (Groundwater University) workshop series focused on groundwater at SSFL. The Listening Session will take place from 6-8 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 23. Interested stakeholders will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide input about the upcoming Groundwater U Workshops.

You can attend by registering for the Remote meeting (Zoom) External site icon. The public is also invited to complete an online survey External site icon to provide input on the Groundwater U sessions.

NASA continues evaluation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) at SSFL in line with Agency-wide initiative

Published: 10/30/2023

NASA is committed to protecting human health and the environment in all activities and is implementing an agency-wide initiative to identify past uses and possible source locations of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) at NASA centers and associated facilities, including the SSFL. Currently, PFAS are classified as unregulated or “emerging” contaminants, which have no federal or state of California regulatory standards or routine water quality testing requirements. PFAS have been used in hundreds of industrial and commercial products since the 1950s, including nonstick cookware, water-repellent clothing, stain resistant fabrics and carpets, consumer packaging, and some firefighting foams. Due to their widespread use in everyday products, PFAS chemicals are prevalent in the environment.

As part of the agency’s forward-leaning approach, NASA conducted a Preliminary Assessment (PA) at SSFL in 2021, which identified areas where potential PFAS releases may have occurred. In 2022, NASA began a Site Investigation (SI) to determine the presence or absence of PFAS in soil and groundwater in or near the areas of potential concern that were identified in the PA. None of the surface or subsurface soil samples exceeded EPA screening levels for residential soil exposure scenario. Some groundwater samples within six historically active operational locations areas exceeded EPA screening levels for a residential tap (drinking) water exposure scenario. Most of the screening level exceedances are minor, localized, and consistent with limited historical use of PFAS in some NASA areas. The groundwater beneath SSFL is not used for drinking water and there is no indication that PFAS are migrating in groundwater beyond the NASA property lines. Consistent with the agency-wide approach, NASA will conduct additional groundwater sampling to further understand the nature and extent of PFAS in NASA areas. NASA has shared the results of SI with DTSC and will continue to monitor the federal and State of California PFAS regulatory status and will implement regulatory requirements and protective measures as necessary.

NASA has developed a fact sheet summarizing the status of its PFAS investigation at SSFL. NASA has also made available the full NASA SSFL PFAS Site Investigation Report.

Summer 2023 FieldNOTE

Published: 8/17/2023

The latest edition of NASA's FieldNOTE Newsletter is now available for review. This edition provides an update on NASA’s progress with Coca demolition, and update on the status of development of NASA’s groundwater cleanup plans, NASA’s onsite Bedrock Vapor Extraction (BVE) treatability study, NASA’s planned evaluation of soil backfill options and lab capabilities, and brush-clearing preparations for wildfire season.

Phase 5 Demolition Progress

Published: 5/26/2023

These photos show the progress of the Phase 5 demolition activities between 2021 and 2022.

Bravo Test Area
This photo shows the Bravo Test Stands prior to demolition, and fully intact. The stands are blue metal on the bottom, with white tanks stacked on top. Atop the entire stand are large flare stacks that look like exhaust pipes protruding from the top. Large rock outcrops and blue skies are in the background, against which the Bravo Stands are situated.
June 2021
This photo is from a similar angle, after demolition. The same large rock outcrops are in the background. The hillside has been graded and dirt, rock outcrops, and trees and shrubs are all that remain, aside from some straw wattles and strategically placed rocks that are being used for erosion control purposes.
May 2022
A large crane is shown on the ground, adjacent to the Bravo Test Stands. Attached to the end of the crane is one of the very large flare stacks, which looks like a large pipe with a bucket-shaped top. It is being lowered to the ground at the worksite in front of the Bravo stands.
Demolition crews remove on of the flare stacks, or "tiki torches" from the Bravo Test Stands.
In this photo, you see the base of a large crane truck. In front of the truck, tied to large cables is a yellow crane end, that has just been removed from the Bravo Test Stands. Workers stand on a concrete slab surrounding the crane, as it is being placed onto the ground.
Workers stand to the side as the old Bravo Test Stand crane is lowered to the ground.
This photo shows a close-up view of the top of Bravo Test Stand 2. The yellow crane on top of the test stand is being pulled away from the stand, and attached to cables of a larger crane that extends up from the ground. The four flare stacks are still intact on top of the test stand and are shown in this photo next to the crane arm being removed from the stand.
One of the first things removed from Bravo Test Stand 2 was the crane at the top of the stand that was used to move engines into place for testing.
This photo shows a view of the Bravo Test Stands just as demolition was beginning. A large crane stands towers over the Bravo Test stands, which are still fully intact, containing three large flare stacks at the top, and a large, yellow crane end extends from the top side of the test stand.
Bravo demolition began in June 2021.

NASA’s Bedrock Vapor Extraction Pilot Study is Officially Underway

Published: 3/16/2023

As part of the Agency's continuing effort to address cleanup of groundwater under the 2007 Order for Corrective Action, NASA has kicked off its pilot study to test the effectiveness of bedrock vapor extraction (BVE) to clean up contamination in the underlying bedrock matrix beneath the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. Please view the BVE fact sheet to learn more about the pilot study, including how BVE works, and how the SSFL BVE system's design utilizes the Agency's green engineering and sustainability practices.

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