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NASA Interim Soil Removal Action Update Nov. 9, 2010

Published: 11/12/2010

On November 9, 2010, NASA presented an update on recent and future Interim Soil Removal Action ("ISRA") actions. The presentation, by Randy Dean, a NASA contractor with CH2M Hill, emphasized recent actions at the area known as AP/STP (Ash Pile, Sewage Treatment Plant) which targeted dioxin removal. The work is nearly completed, awaiting the results of confirmation samples. Should the samples indicate that minor excavation is still necessary, that will be performed, followed again by confirmation samples. The three targeted "removal" areas each contained some oak trees or included area below the drip lines of oak trees. In response to requests from the public, this presentation shows the particular care that was taken to protect the oak trees as excavations were performed.

NASA Interim Soil Removal Action Update presentation

NASA Announces Additional Soil Cleanup at Santa Susana Field Lab

Published: 9/30/2010

NASA Press Release SSFL10-002 announcing additional soil cleanup at Santa Susana Field Lab.

DTSC announces public meetings on the Agreements in Principle between DTSC and NASA and between DTSC and DOE

Published: 9/16/2010

The California State Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) invites public comment on the draft Agreements in Principle (AIP) and draft Confirmation Sampling Protocol that have been negotiated with the Department of Energy (DOE) and NASA. For more information on the upcoming public meetings on the Agreements in Principle, please read the Notice of Public Comment Period .

Joint Settlement Framework between NASA and the State of California

Published: 9/13/2010

A "Joint Settlement Framework Agreement in Principle between The National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the State of California Regarding Cleanup of Areas I and II of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory Administered by NASA" was announced on September 3, 2010. The elements of this framework will be implemented following development of an Administrative Order on Consent. A copy of the framework may be viewed at the DTSC website at the link below.

DTSC Document: Joint Settlement Framework Agreement in Principle between The National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the State of California Regarding Cleanup of Areas I and II of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory Administered by NASA

DTSC is holding a public comment period regarding this document through October 1, 2010. Comments should be addressed to DTSC by email at:

The Final Version of the ICRMP Is Now Available

Published: 8/24/2010

The Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP) for federally owned property at Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL) is NASA's mechanism for complying with historic preservation requirements set forth in the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). The final version of this ICRMP is now available. For further information please contact Donna Holland, (256) 544-7201.

Santa Susana Community Tours Available – June 26, 2010

Published: 6/18/2010

Boeing, NASA, and DOE invite you to attend a tour of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory on Saturday, June 26, 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. or 1 - 4:30 p.m. Please read the Santa Susana Community Tour flyer for more details.

NASA Information on Disposal of ELV Soil

Published: 5/10/2010

The DISPOSAL of NASA ELV AREA SOILS sheet outlines the technical basis and supporting evidence for NASA's conclusion that the soils identified for cleanup and disposal adjacent to the Expendable Launch Vehicle (ELV) Area are hazardous and non-hazardous wastes, and that the out-of-state disposal facilities identified are appropriate for disposal of these wastes.

The following sources provide additional information (external links will open in a new browser window or tab):

Update: Additional Soil Cleanup at Santa Susana Field Lab ELV Postponed

Published: 4/20/2010

Questions regarding waste disposal have been raised. NASA voluntarily postpones the start of cleanup. NASA and Boeing are working with DTSC to resolve concerns and move forward.

Two profiles from US Ecology Idaho accepting waste (March 30, 2010)

1 Note: Both titles unintentionally truncated "Cesium 137 Above Background"

NASA Community Information Session, May 4th in Chatsworth 6-9pm

Published: 4/21/2010

NASA announces a community information session on the NASA Environmental Investigations & Cleanup of areas it administers at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. For more information, please see the Community Information Session announcement.

NASA Announces Additional Soil Cleanup at Santa Susana Field Lab

Published: 4/14/2010

NASA Press Release SSFL10-001 announcing additional soil cleanup at Santa Susana Field Lab.