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Santa Susana Field Laboratory

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The Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL) is a 2,850-acre site that was used for the development and testing of rocket engines for defense and exploration purposes, from the 1950s until 2006. Approximately 450 acres of the site are owned by the U.S. government and administered by NASA, and the rest of the site is owned by the Boeing Company, which leased a portion of the site to the Department of Energy (DOE). All research and testing activities have ceased, and NASA is in the process of cleaning up chemicals that were released into the environment during testing operations.

NASA continues to make progress preparing for a final, comprehensive cleanup of NASA-administered areas at SSFL. NASA also is working cooperatively with the Boeing Company and DOE as they conduct cleanup in areas they own, as well as with the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), the regulatory agency overseeing the cleanup. NASA is also engaged with leaders and representatives of Native American Tribes with cultural ties to the area to ensure the protection of the many archeological and cultural resources located within the site boundaries.

NASA remains firmly committed to achieving a cleanup at SSFL that is protective of public health and the environment, uses the best available science and technology, and preserves the site’s natural, historic, and Native American cultural resources for future generations.

To become engaged and receive E-mail updates about the cleanup, please subscribe to the NASA SSFL Communications E-List .


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